Monday, May 24, 2010

random thoughts..

1) the last time i saw my boyfriend he complimented me on my eyebrows? what the eff is that all about? like, seriously, i feel like i should be a testimonial for the little indian woman who threads them on the cheap (read: $6-i wasn't joking when i said cheap).

2) i can't stop listening to serena ryder's cover of "the funeral", originally sung by the band of horses. (the original is great too!) yes, it was played in the season finale of gossip girl (can you say guilty pleasure?). i think i might be the only twenty-three year old that still watches, which is honestly a bit pathetic. it's not like i can even say that i watch for the fashion anymore because along with the plot, even that has gone downhill (photo evidence below). serena is dressed like a skank 24/7. blair wore a hideous green capelet thing that she would never be caught dead in. and nate and dan both have a severe problem with wearing too much flannel plaid. enough with the plaid! that being said- like the OC (r.i.p.), the first season was so good that i got hooked. and now i just feel like i have to see how all the characters that i love to hate turn out. speaking of hate-who is glad that little twit jenny was banished to hudson?! good riddance, taylor momsen and your black eye makeup.

                "hmm, which strip of fabric shall i wear to hang out in B's room?"

                "i'm so sad not because chuck doesn't love me but because i look like asparagus."

"i'm a vanderbilt but if i dress like a hipster from brooklyn (aka dan)/a lumberjack maybe people won't think i'm just a poor, miserable little rich boy."

3) i have become obsessed with spin class. like, i live for it. i always feel so good walking out of the class and it's truly a great workout.

4) i used to be a bookworm but lately all i've been reading is trash (i.e. chick lit and nicholas sparks novels). i'd like to think it's a temporary thing- any good worthwhile book suggestions? send them my way, s'il vous plait.

5) i need some blog posts that don't involve lists.. well, for another day.

xoxo ML

Thursday, May 20, 2010

a day in the life..

as i told one of my besties via bbm this morning: "i feel like i'm just stuck in a life rut." read on-if you dare. 
(warning: reading the following blog post may cause bouts of boredom, indifference and in extreme cases, even narcolepsy.)

1) 5:15 am wake up call from the hospital. canceled for today due to a low census (oh the perks of a per diem job).

2) attempt, in vain, to fall back asleep. lay in bed til 7ish.

3) get up and make plans with mother to go to 8:30 spin class at gym.

4) spin, spin, spin. (the instructor plays some of my song suggestions!)

5) coffee from seven eleven. young indian worker guy greets me with "good morning beautiful" i awkwardly look around to make sure he is talking to me and then respond with a tentative good morning. i think to myself that he needs to have his glasses prescription checked as i just came from gym and am in sweaty workout clothes, a ponytail, and wearing no makeup. grosssss.

6) shower, eat greek yogurt for breakfast and send some emails/browse on the internets for jobs.

7) shopping with mom. first stop, the GAP to look for skinny, white, cropped jeans. mom = success. i = fail. they have the size below mine and above mine. have store call other nearby GAP but they are out, too. maybe online?

8) sephora's up next because mom wants a bright pink lipstick for summer. she is loving my lip color but i explain that its layers of different things. the base being a drugstore cheapie- maybelline coral crush (but it goes on super bright so you have to blot a lot of times to tone it down).

9) try various lip products. mom settles on a stila lip stain and a makeup for ever lip liner. i tell her that i can gift her one of my far too many glosses so she can achieve the desired effect. she also picks up an urban decay shadow in shotgun (a dusty shimmery rose) and benefit BADgal lash mascara (<-two of my faves for eye makeup). i tell mom that she is pretty hip for fifty-one.

10) pick up lil bro #2 from school, a quick dunkin donuts pit stop for iced coffees and we're off to a nearby low-income town where bro runs an after school club with fifth graders. the kids are putting on a play in june. i am enlisted to put my drama/directorial skills from high school to use.

11) takeout salads from here for dinner.

12) reading/blogging on bed.

and as for the rest of the night, most likely..
13) some bad tv, including real housewives of nyc.

14) talk to b.o.b por teléfono. (that's boyfriend of boston- for those not in the know. it's my own little clever take of the endearing battery operated boyfriend/bf on batteries)

15) sleep. "work" 7am-3pm tomorrow. (fingers crossed i actually get to work because i could use the moolah)

whew! i nearly fell asleep typing that. kudos-if you made it this far. i promise to have some more thrilling things coming your way soon. i've been brainstorming some fun ideas for posts and (drum roll please...) memorial day is coming up. can you say mini-vacay?!? what are your plans, beautiful readers?

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

"new" blog, new ML, new outlook on life

starting from scratch... you see, i never really got a handle on this whole blogging thing. mostly because i never really thought anything going on in my life could be considered "blog-worthy".

i must admit, this past year has been one of my toughest. the trials and tribulations of everyday life post college.. without a real career, not in grad school yet, living at home. it's an awfully bitter pill to swallow after spending the past four years far away in the midwest, living with my friends, partying thursday evening through the wee hours of sunday morning and occasionally learning some cool science-y stuff.

coming up in the next few weeks will mark the official one year anniversary of my graduation from college. this scary realization has got me thinking a lot. believe me when i tell you, one year ago i NEVER thought i would still be at such a crossroads in my life. but as my wise mother has told me time and time again.. life is long and i'm just getting started.

i still have all the time in the world to figure out what it is that i'm meant to do. and this past year has only been a miniscule part of the ride. stay tuned to see what happens next..